My Experience
The business of buying and selling real estate becomes more and more complicated every day. I frequently meet people who have a sad real estate story to tell where they: lost time, lost money, lost sleep, had a nervous breakdown, threw a fit, kicked the dog – you get the idea – because they represented themselves or hired the wrong professionals to help.
You can rely on my experience and my hand selected support team to provide everything you need for a successful real estate transaction. I will help you avoid or minimize any complications that may arise. I’ve got over 35 years of real estate experience. I'm the expert, so you don’t have to be. You’re busy – your time is valuable. I'll handle the details.

My Philosophy
Growing up in Pittsburgh, I learned early on that how much money you earned had a direct relationship to how hard you worked and how much service you were willing to provide.
My philosophy of business doesn’t require a fancy mission statement. It’s pretty basic. I want to provide our clients with the highest & best possible service. Other people say it. I mean it. I get a lot of satisfaction from helping our clients save money and time while avoiding problems.

My Promise
I help you buy or sell property in Pittsburgh keeping your best interests in mind; I save you money, time and grief. When you hear of someone wanting to buy or sell property, you refer me. It’s simple and meaningful and most of the time, I make new friends in the process.
20+ years of real estate experience, numerous designations & hundreds of home sales combined with 35+ years of home construction experience....I've got you covered. No other real estate team offers our passion, commitment, and experience.
What Are You Waiting For?
Here’s my bottom line: if you receive good service during your real estate transaction – you’re more likely to refer me to your friends and neighbors. If you don’t – you’ll forget you ever knew me. I want you to remember. I want your future business.
Gayle Blonar REALTOR®
- Direct: (724) 941-1427
- Cell: (724) 344-4795
- Email: gayle@gayleblonar.com